
The CAC offers a child-friendly environment where specially-trained forensic medical providers conduct evidentiary medical examinations and are able to provide expert witness testimony in court as needed.
Children's Network of San Bernardino County
Links to the official site of Children’s Fund sister agency Children’s Network. Children’s Network of San Bernardino County concerns itself with coordinating joint efforts for children at-risk between the 21 Children’s Policy Council Member Agencies.
Department of Children and Family Services
Links to the official site of the County of San Bernardino Department of Child and Family Services. CFS is committed to family-centered programs and services designed to ensure safe, permanent, nurturing families for San Bernardino County’s children while strengthening and attempting to preserve the family unit.
Department of Child Support Services
Links to the official site of the County of San Bernardino Department of Child Support Services. Committed to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with fairness and respect to all, the department provides assistance in obtaining child support toward a child's living expenses and health insurance.
Human Services System
Links to the official site for the County of San Bernardino Human Services Departments. Site includes links to programs and resources of seven San Bernardino County Departments who provide a range of services to the citizens of San Bernardino County in one coordinated effort.
How to Report Child Abuse
If you believe a child has been abused or neglected call the County Children's Services office, or law enforcement in your area. Child abuse and neglect occurs when a child is mistreated, resulting in injury or risk of harm. Abuse can be physical, verbal, emotional or sexual. The reporter's identity is confidential. The reporter is free from civil or criminal liability for reports of suspected child abuse or neglect made in good faith. Dial 2-1-1 to report suspected child abuse.
Resource Directory - Human Services System
Links to the official resource directory for the County of San Bernardino. The Resource databank (RDB) provides a list of resources including education, training, emergency services, and employment opportunities in our community.
San Bernardino County Internet
Links to the official site for the County of San Bernardino. The mission of the government of the County of San Bernardino is to satisfy its customers by providing service that promotes the health, safety, well-being, and quality of life of its residents according to the County Charter, general laws, and the will of the people it serves.
First 5 San Bernardino's mission is to Promote, support and enhance the health and early development of children prenatal through age five and their families and communities
Links to the site for the Child Care Resource Center, which provides quality, support, development, and education to almost 50,000 children, families in their 22,500-square-mile service area. Current programs include resource libraries, home visiting, workforce development, family engagement, Head Start preschool, Early Head Start, Early Head Start – Childcare partnership, Motherhood and so much more.